Our instructors at Krav Maga Somerset


Andy joined Krav Maga Somerset in 2021 and qualified as an instructor with the club in 2024, supporting the club predominantly in our Taunton classes.

Prior to joining the club. Andy has been very active and has taken part in many martial arts and combat systems.

Having served in the British Army he knows the value of looking after yourself both mentally and physically, and this is why he loves Krav Maga and is very passionate about sharing the benefits with our club members.

Andy is passionate about increasing his knowledge and is currently learning about Guthrie’s Law, Hicks Law and the OODA loop and how this takes his training to the next level.


Dan started his Krav Maga journey in 2011 due to a violent incident where he froze and didn’t know what to do.

He decided to immerse himself in the discipline, dedicating approximately 6 hours per week to training.

Eventually, Dan progressed to become an assistant instructor with WCKM, where he contributed to refining students’ techniques and mindset and, over the years, has sought training from various instructors and clubs worldwide, including BKMA, WCKM, KMW, IKF, Spartans Academy, Muay Thai camps in Thailand, boxing clubs, and now Krav Maga Somerset.

Dan qualified as an instructor with the club in 2024, supporting the club predominantly in our Bridgwater and Wells classes.

Dan’s passion for self-defence stems from its ability to instil confidence and empower individuals who may otherwise feel vulnerable in confrontational situations and he’s now on a mission to share that with our club members.


Ellis joined Krav Maga Somerset in 2016 and quickly became very passionate about Krav Maga and the benefits it offered to members so, having had prior experience in customer service, when Mark advertised a role within the business at Krav Maga Somerset, Ellis jumped at the chance and officially joined the team in 2021 as the Customer Success Manager.

Since then, Ellis has adopted many hats within Krav Maga Somerset, from helping with the operational side of the business to arranging inductions for new members and seminars and gradings for existing members, as well as qualifying as an instructor in 2024, supporting the club’s Junior members.

When Ellis isn’t busy working behind the scenes, she still endeavours to keep up with her training and love of Krav Maga at our Bridgwater academy.


Garth started his Krav Maga journey in 2021 and qualified as an instructor with the club in 2024, supporting our members in Bridgwater, Taunton and Wells.

Garth has always been interested in human combat, the techniques and the mindset, whether it be competing or generally surviving and feeling a little safer.

After having spent time as a Door Safe and SIA trained security officer, a doorman and also a private bodyguard, Garth felt Krav Maga was perfect for him, preferring the freedom of real world and real life situations Krav Maga provides as opposed to traditional martial arts.

Garth chose to join the instructor programme with the club to show people that, even with a small frame, not everything is about being big and looking strong. Being able to show people that you can use your own strengths, and indeed weaknesses as a positive when it comes to a conflict situation.

The greatest thing Garth has found with Krav Maga is the mindset it can produce when you delve deeper and understand the history. The character change it can give you, channelling the aggressive thoughts and mannerisms, learning that your own negatives can all become positives improved Garth’s personal life as well as his confidence, and that’s something he’s passionate about sharing with the club members.

To demonstrate his commitment to the club and our members, Garth completed a P2 grading in a left-handed to support, our southpaw members.


Liza is a qualified personal trainer, nutrition coach and Krav Maga instructor, supporting the club predominantly in our Wells and Bridgwater classes.

Liza’s fitness journey started at a very young age, trying her hand in many disciplines including judo, swimming and marathon canoeing – still holding records in several athletic events.

Her love of water sports led Liza to achieve placements in lightweight rowing at Henley Royal Regatta, both at national and international standard.

In 2004 Liza moved to Somerset and started a family, and it wasn’t long before Liza joined the local netball club and was also introduced to Krav Maga.

It was whilst playing netball a team member and friend lost her life through domestic violence, so Liza made a vow to work on her fitness, learn Krav Maga and eventually qualify as an instructor, as she wanted to teach both men and women the art of self-defence.  She worked through her grades and qualified as a BKMA instructor in 2017.

Liza believes that Krav Maga is self-defence training in its simplest most effective form, so if it works for her it will work for anyone, and lives by my motto ‘work hard in training makes winning and fighting easy’, endeavouring to bring her passion and energy to every training and coaching session.


Husband, father and former Royal Marine with a passion for fitness, and lifelong learning.  Mark is our club founder and Chief Instructor.

Mark is a former Warrant Officer in the Royal Marines and enjoyed a distinguished military career spanning twenty-five years.

Mark first became involved in fitness and martial arts when he joined the Royal Marines undertaking the rigorous unarmed combat syllabus during commando training and became a keen amateur boxer with a few competitions under his belt, unfortunately, a busy military career and overseas deployments interrupted his passion for martial arts for a few years.

During his career, he became involved in training potential Commandos, NCOs’ and Young Officers at the Commando Training Centre Royal Marines and spent five years there at various times, eventually becoming a Chief Instructor and spending his last two years in the Royal Marines as the Warrant Officer responsible for all command and leadership training.

During his time as a senior instructor, he became interested in personal development and peak human performance, qualified as a life coach and migrated to teaching in the adult and further education sector gaining a Certificate In Post Compulsory Education and Training with Plymouth University.

In 2005 he discovered Krav Maga and was instantly hooked, by its simplicity and physical demands and trained extensively to become a high-level instructor.

Mark left the Royal Marines and became a Close Protection Operative (bodyguard) and Maritime Security Operative, protecting high-profile individuals and shipping.

Mark opened his first Krav Maga club in 2010 at Taunton, with Krav Maga Bridgwater following six months later and Krav Maga Wells in 2021.

Mark has continued his personal development and qualified as a Personal Training and a Level 5 Self Defence Instructor with the British Krav Maga Association.

Mark passionately believes that good fitness and self-defence training should be evidence- based, demanding, enjoyable and accessible to everyone.


As wife to our club owner Mark, Natali’s journey with Krav Maga Somerset started in 2010 when the club first began, and she is very proud to say she has been present at the launch of every new club since. Natali qualified as an instructor in 2024, supporting our members in all our classes across Bridgwater, Taunton and Wells.

Being a relatively small female, Natali soon learnt that the techniques taught in Krav Maga are founded on technique over strength and found this hugely empowering.

Natali was able to train with confidence knowing her smaller frame would not hold her back this is something she is passionate about sharing with others.

Over the past 14 years of training, Natali has reached a high level of fitness and learnt techniques and skills which can be achieved by anyone regardless of size or gender or age and it is her passion to share this knowledge with others.


Neil joined Krav Maga Somerset in 2021 and qualified as an instructor with the club in 2024, supporting the club in Wells and Bridgwater.

With a diverse background in boxing, military service, and coaching, Neil brings a unique blend of skills and experience to the field of self-defence and

As a former amateur boxer within the Royal Navy and assistant coach, Neil developed a keen understanding of combat sports and physical conditioning.
Additionally, his tenure as a Royal Navy Commando instilled in him discipline, resilience, and a commitment to excellence.

Neil’s journey into becoming a Krav Maga instructor was shaped by personal experiences and a deep-seated desire to empower others.

During his time in the military, Neil witnessed the devastating impact of violence and the importance of being prepared to defend oneself.

This realisation fuelled his passion for teaching Krav Maga, particularly to those who have experienced trauma.

Neil has seen first hand the transformative power of martial arts in instilling confidence and resilience and is committed to sharing these life-changing skills with others.


Russ started his Krav Maga journey with Mark in 2018, and qualified as an instructor with the club in 2024, supporting the club in Taunton.

As one of our mature club members (Russ’ words, not ours!)

Russ never thought that he would be able to become a qualified instructor, but soon felt that the simplicity of the system, focus on core strength and biomechanics, and modular approach to learning and skills development really accelerated his skills and ability to practice at a higher level.

Prior to becoming a student of Krav Maga, Russ has kept himself reasonably fit with previous experience in Judo and Boxing. Russ is very passionate about the fact that, whatever your sporting background or fitness level, Krav Maga is for everyone and quickly builds overall fitness and streetwise confidence in self-protection and defence.